Pioneernet Email Support

EmailSetting SPAM Settings - Pioneernet Email
SpamCatcher is FREE for Pioneer Internet access clients. So, just follow the instructions below, using your current username and password to enable it. With SpamCatcher, the power is in your hands. You decide when and how you want to use it and best of all-it's FREE. VirusCatcher has already been activated for all Pioneer Internet access customers!

How to activate SpamCatcher
How to deactivate SpamCatcher
How to have an Email Address bypass SpamCatcher

If at anytime you need help with any of the instructions or features, please contact support.

Activate SpamCatcher:

  1. Go to the WEBMAIL system at
  2. Login with your username and password.
  3. In the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box called "Account Options" drop it down and select "Change My Processing Rules"
  4. Click the "ADD" button to add a rule
  5. You will see the first option is a drop down box. Select "Header"
  6. For the next option you want to select "Contains"
  7. Leave the "Match Case" check box blank
  8. In the Search String box type:
        SpamCheck\: LEVEL= \*\*\*\*\*
    (Important: There is a space before the word LEVEL above.)
    #Note: The Number of \* equals the level of SPAM filtering you would like. Five \* is the default and somewhat aggressive. If you would like to be less aggressive, you can add more \*. Our recomended levels are: 5 = agressive, 10 = medium, and 25 = tolerant Keep in mind this rule can be modified at any time.
  9. The bottom section of this form is the section labeled "to the Mailbox" The box to the right has "<new>" In the next box type: SPAMBOX.
    This will direct any spam into this box and you will be able to access this box from the main menu.
  10. Click the Add button. The rule is enabled and SpamCatcher is on.
    #Important: In order for SpamCatcher to work, the SpamCheck rule must be at the bottom of the listed rules.

Deactivate SpamCatcher:

  1. Go to the WEBMAIL system at
  2. Login with your username and password
  3. In the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box called "Account Options" Drop it down and select "Change My Processing Rules"
  4. Click "Delete" to the right of the rule that has the value: SpamCheck\: LEVEL=\*\*\*\*\*
  5. You have now Deactivated SpamCatcher

Allow an Email address to bypass SpamCatcher

  1. Go to the WEBMAIL system at
  2. Login with your username and password
  3. In the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box called "Account Options" Drop it down and select "Change My Processing Rules"
  4. Click the "ADD" button to add a rule
  5. You will see the first option is a drop down box. Select "FROM"
  6. For the next option you want to select "Contains"
  7. Leave the "Match Case" check box blank
  8. In the Search String box type:
    #Note: should be the email address of the user you want to whitelist. You can add just the domain here "" to whitelist an entire domain. Keep in mind this rule can be modified at any time.
  9. The bottom section of this form is the section labeled "to the Mailbox" Drop down the box to the right and select: "Inbox" Leave the next box blank.
    This will direct any Email from this email or domain to the inbox
  10. Click the ADD button.
  11. You will now see the list of rules. The rule you just created is at the bottom of the list. It must be above the SPAMCHECK rule so just click on the "up" link to the right of your rule to move it up above the SPAMCHECK rule.

If you have further questions regarding Propel or how to help speed up your internet connection please contact ISOMEDIA support below.

Contact Customer Support

Phone: 1-877-638-9277 - Toll Free
(425) 869-5411 - Local Call

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Monday - Friday:
5:00AM to 8:00PM PST

Saturday & Sunday
9:00AM to 6:00PM PST

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